Thursday, January 14, 2010

Peaceful morning

I'm sitting here at my kitchen table, just having finished a garlic bagel, enjoying my coffee and the Avett Brothers. I feel peaceful and quiet. I feel like everything is okay in this moment.

I've been feeling really sick again, and I'm pretty sure it's my B vitamin deficiency coming back to bite me in the ass. Course of action at this point is to just start taking the vitamins again and wait out the sickness a little bit. I've done it before, there's no reason I can't do it again. I just don't really understand it, because the foods I most often eat (eggs, poultry, leafy greens, and whole grains) are the most B vitamin rich foods. It's just one of those wonderful side effects of birth control. "The hormones go toe to toe with your B vitamins, and the hormones always win." Or so the fine, fine doctor at Mac told me last year. She was the only one that was able to even GUESS what was wrong with me. And, after about a month or so of taking the vitamins everyday, I felt like myself again. Seeing as how one of the side effects of B vitamin deficiency is death, and I could feel myself getting slowly worse all the time, I'm happy one medical professional knew what the hell they were doing.

Cavan isn't sure how to handle it, because there's really nothing that can be done aside from the vitamins, so I think it's a little stressful for him.

Aside from the little bit of sickness going on, I'm happy. I'm doing okay.

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